Iced espresso
When it gets hot outside, a #icedespresso is the perfect drink. Simply brew fresh PERÚ PURO espresso, pour into a glass with ice cubes. Sprinkle with milk as desired – ready!
When it gets hot outside, a #icedespresso is the perfect drink. Simply brew fresh PERÚ PURO espresso, pour into a glass with ice cubes. Sprinkle with milk as desired – ready!
Today we tried a plum tiramisu, which we spiced up with our PERRÚ PURO cocoa nibs. For 4 servings, we boiled 250g of plums with 50g of sugar, 200ml of orange juice and the zest of half an organic orange for 50 minutes until creamy. We then spiked the compote with a tablespoon of our
Plum tiramisu with cocoa nibs Read More »
Today we felt like trying out something with our products again.The result is this moist chocolate espresso cake.For this we have 150g cocoa mass melted with 150g butter in a water bath.Along the way, we whisked 3 eggs with 150g sugar until foamy, and then stirred in the slightly cooled cocoa mixture. Then 1 tbsp.
juicy chocolate espresso cake Read More »
Our PERÚ PURO cocoa products are ideal for baking.There are no limits to your creativity.Just use the PerùPuro product that you have in the house.Whether melted, or grated cocoa liquor, grated cocoa beans, or cocoa nibs grated, or whole.And if you are missing something, you can get it in our store. Today we tried a
Almond biscotti with cocoa liquor Read More »
Strawberries, ice cream, cocoa and chocolate go together just wonderfully.We pureed some of the fresh, and sugared as needed, strawberries and garnished with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Spread the remaining sliced strawberries on top and garnish with melted cocoa paste, roasted cocoa nibs and mint.If that is not delicious!Enjoy the perfect combination of
A frozen cocoa dream! Read More »
Today we baked a super delicious banana bread with PERÚ PURO cocoa powder and cocoa nibs. So soft and juicy and deliciously chocolaty.If you’d like to try this out as well, here’s how: – 160g spelt flour– 1 tbsp. Cornstarch– 50g PERÚ PURO natural cocoa powder– 50g PERÚ PURO roasted cocoa nibs– 1Tl. Baking powder–
Banana bread with cocoa nibs Read More »
It smells like cinnamon knots with chocolate in the house!Wonderful, that’s how to start the Sunday morning, don’t you think?Why not try our recipe for a cinnamon bun variation with 85% PeruPuro chocolate? For 10 cinnamon knots you will need: – 70 g butter– 1 yeast dough– 40 g cane sugar– 2 tsp cinnamon– 50
Cinnamon knots with chocolate Read More »
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